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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Contract Craziness

The world of publishing is not set in stone, especially when it comes to on-line publishers.
Recently I was offered a contract, after months of waiting, with Noble Romance. But recently the events with this publisher has taken a unsavoury turn. Luckily, I never signed any contract with them. Which left me with two MS' foot-loose and fancy free.
I decided to take a chance on a new emerging e-publishing company called Evernight Publishing. They have contracted one of my WIP, Love Unbound. I look forward to working with this company.
As for the other one, I've sent it one of my current Publishers. If accepted would make contract count up to 17. If you don't count the two contracts I had, but terminated, with a previous publisher. 
Even if you research your intended publisher with extreme care, every author takes a risk, when sending or accepting a contract offer. 
Good luck everyone

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