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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Destined Hearts: Vampires of Archalon

Proud to announce the release of Destined Hearts: the first in a small set of Vampire's of Archalon book. From Cobblestone Press

My snoken' hot Vampire book, my first attempt at writing Vampires, and I hope to have given the readers something different.

Aria has grown up tough and rough, an attempt to earn some quick cash to fund her studies, throws her into the arms of an ancient Vampire.

Ethan, nine hundred year old vampire and not native to Earth is woken from being kept prisoner for over two hundred years by the blood of Aria, her blood is special and just what he needs

But Ethan want more than just Aria's blood, but her body heart and soul as well.

Aria fights Ethan's possession, only to loose her heart in the process, together they have to find Ethan's lost Archalon brothers-in-arms, and defeat the evil that want's to re-imprison Ethan, and Aria.

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